of modes, so make sure it's bound properly to something comfortable to use. You can rebind it in the game's settings. From the main menu, go in settings -> keyboard settings, select F and assign it to whatever you'd like. You should now be set to play Marathon with the Zone gimmick. This mode plays like normal Marathon but with 24 lines per level. However, clearing lines will fill up your Zone time gauge. You can store up to 20 seconds of Zone time, and bigger line clears will give more time. When activated, the Zone allows you to freeze gravity, and the lines you fill will be stored the bottom of the field. When the timer runs out, all the stored lines will clear at once, letting you score a huge bonus with many lines cleared at once. Please note: While the Zone mechanic is blatanlty inspired by the footage we've seen of the upcomming game Tetris Effect (I'm not even gonna try to hide it), my goal is not to make a "discount Tetris Effect" thing before the real game is out. This Nullpomino mode and Tetris Eff